Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Jazz Club


My gallery in Carmel has sold 2 paintings and he wants more! I'm furiously painting to get them to him in time for summer vacationers. As in most tourist towns, his business tapers off in the fall and doesn't pick up again until spring.


  1. Love this painting Layne. I love your people paintings - they always tell a story. :) You are very talented! Hopefully one day we will be able to afford some of your work. Hope you are doing well - you will have to stop by and see us sometime soon. Kimberly

  2. J'adore l'atmosphère de cette peinture... son harmonie de couleurs et sa composition. Je peux presque entendre le doux son de la voix de cette charmante chanteuse jazzy sur le rythme la musique...
    Mes félicitations pour vos deux ventes.

    Gros bisous.

  3. Lovely and jazzy feeling too. The light on her thigh really pulls the viewer in. Really nice.

  4. Muito linda, Layne. Parabéns pela pintura! parabéns! Um abraço.

  5. you've captured the mood well..great work!

  6. It’s exciting that your gallery is doing so well.
