Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's What's Inside That Counts

6x6 $90

Well, I cracked that egg open and painted the whole scene again, this time with minor repositioning, a bit stronger lighting and a cad yellow under painting. What a difference the under painting makes in the final appearance! I actually think I prefer the blue, although this is pretty "sunny".


  1. Hi Layne - i've just found your work and have happily wandered through your blog with my coffee... just wonderful! Love it that you are experimenting with different colors in the underpainting... that a passion of mine as well. I think i too like the blue but there are things I like better on the yellow... the silver for sure! Neat. Look forward to following!

  2. L'ensemble des couleurs se marient parfaitement ensemble et votre jaune d'oeuf est bien mis en relief, son blanc accroche bien son jaune!... et la lumière n'est pas laissé en dehors...

  3. Great studies in white, Layne. Love the egg, too!

  4. Great studies in white. Amazing the difference the underpainting makes.

  5. I love these two studies. It really does make a difference using different colors. Very nice!!

  6. These last two studies are great . I prefer the warmer undertones...either way goes to show you that what's underneath is so very important, in life and painting.
