Friday, January 21, 2011

Greys and Greens

                     6x6 $90
The blue under painting gives this one an almost surreal look. I had a hard time photographing it, and this still isn't quite "it", but I give up. It's close. I was especially intrigued by the reflections of the apples in the metal vase. I may try the setup again with more color, although there's something I like about this almost monochromatic palette.


  1. I like it too! It's a lively painting, even though you didn't use lots of colors. I like the apple reflection, and the turquoise light on the side of the large bottle. Great painting.

    I showed my daughter your blog last night, and she is in love with your paintings!

  2. Toujours aussi sublime... J'aime les volumes de chacun des objets qui se marient parfaitement bien ensemble et créent une symphonie de couleurs et de reflets qui exécutent une danse harmonieuse pour le plaisir des yeux...

  3. Beautiful color....Beautiful painting !

  4. Very nice. Love the greys and greens together.

  5. Gorgeous combo of grays and greens! The green looks so terrific bouncing around in that metallic silver.
