Monday, November 29, 2010

Looking Askance

I painted today and I will take photos tomorrow, but in the meantime I thought I'd post a painting that I did a few years ago. This one hangs in our kitchen here in Arizona and, no, the eyes don't follow you wherever you are. This is a totally made up image that I did on a whim- and I like it. It makes me smile. The frame is one I make myself from frame stock I order from New York. I haven't yet used it on any daily paintings- it might be too large- but, then again, it might work. I'll have to try it.


  1. J'aime son minois avec son regard, son nez en trompette et sa bouche en cul de poule... Ce qui fait son originalité, c'est son long cou....

  2. This is really fun. She has a lovely long Modigliani neck and an expression that says 1000 words. I also really like the pears posted just before. Your loose brush strokes and light are wonderful.

  3. My eye keeps getting drawn back to this painting. Like Claire, I thought of Modigliani. This has your signature brightness. It is so warm, and very appealing!
