Friday, December 9, 2011

Red Wall

                                  24x24 oil on canvas
Thi painting is based on a photo I took in Telluride, Colorado this fall. I was taken by the way the red wall reflected pink on the man's shirt as he walked by.
I've been neglecting the daily paintings in favor of working on some larger ones. More to follow. I do hope to return to the dailies, though- such great exercise!


  1. Will you post some of your larger ones.
    This painting has lots of character and intrigue. The strong red wall agianst the more active right side. Love the light.
    Love Telluride too. Won't ever get to go back there. My husband has severe altitude sensitivity. Developed temporary pulmonary edema while there. It was a gorgeous place to visit , once.
    Best to you Layne!

  2. What a life. Love it. I can just imagine what he is thinking... Your work really draws you in for a more indepth study.
